I phil good…

Poste par Phil Le 1 - septembre - 2011

Even if Phil has to work in English on a daily basis, he is not so fluent !!!!, so the challenge to sing in the “Chat qu’Expire”  native language  is clearly  extremely challenging for a poor Brito-French guy  like this energumen;  On ne fait pas d’Hamlet sans casser les oeufs (ni le reste d’ailleurs) aurait-il ajouter  dans un rare moment  de lucidité.

Nevertheless, it’s really a great pleasure for Phil to pay a tribute to the folk singers he appreciates;

So his selection includes various styles, with a particular mix of old (Neil young, Murray Head, Leonard Cohen, Mc Cartney, Paul Simon…) and young singers (Jason Mraz, James Morison, Charlie Winston, Jack Johnson, Milow…); A bridge between generations demonstrating again that good music is timeless.

Driven by Fun – Based on Folk guitar prevalence; My apologies for the Frenchy’s accent and the pronunciation mistakes (on s’en tape un peu, isn’t it? );

Pour le plaisir de chanter des chansons que j’écoute.

Une catégorie qui aurait plu à Coubertin.
